PrEP, PEP, Chems & HPV

PrEP, PEP, Chems & HPV

PrEP, PEP, Chems & HPV

HIV Pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is now available on the NHS. If you change your sexual partners regularly, have sex with people at increased risk of HIV or have a partner who is HIV positive and detectable, then you may be eligible.

If you’d like to find out more about PrEP then check out Free PrEP on the NHS – I Want PrEP Now

Please contact the clinic and mention PrEP to discuss your eligibility with one of the clinical team. Whilst the New Croft centre is closed, patients are advised if they think they may have had an exposure to HIV to visit the accident and emergency department for PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis – specialist medication to reduce the risk of infection).

Top Tips!

If you change your sexual partners often or have sex with partners that haven’t tested recently, we recommend that you should repeat your HIV test regularly as part of your sexual health screen. You can access HIV testing in person or via our online testing service available on this link.

Post Exposure Prophylaxis against HIV (PEP or PEPSE)

Post-exposure Prophylaxis (PEP or PEPSE) is medication you can take to help reduce HIV transmission after the virus has entered your body. It is a 28 day course of medication that is taken after unprotected sex where there has been a higher risk of exposure.

If you are concerned you might have been exposed to HIV (had unprotected sex with someone whose HIV status you do not know, or know to be positive, or shared injecting equipment), you may be eligible for PEP.

PEP or PEPSE should be taken as soon as possible after sex, and definitely started within 72 hours. The earlier it is started the more likely it is to work. You will need to have an assessment with a doctor or nurse before you are prescribed this medication.

If you are concerned, please urgently contact our clinic, or if outside our normal opening hours please urgently attend an A&E department.

Whilst our New Croft clinic is closed, patients are advised if they think they may have had an exposure to HIV to visit the accident and emergency department for PEP (Post Exposure Prophylaxis – specialist medication to reduce the risk of infection

HPV Vaccination for MSM